Cost management

We appreciate that legal costs are paid for out of a business' or an individual's hard earned money. Our clients have worked hard to earn that money and it should not be spent lightly.


e3 believes that our clients should have full control and visibility of their legal costs.


We recognise that the traditional law firm approach to fees simply does not address the commercial reality of today's business environment. e3 has responded to that by handing control of cost and budgeting over to our clients.


We have built a number of different cost options as starting points from which clients can tailor the cost framework that works best for them. We provide:


  • fixed price options for specific projects;


  • a one off fee (whether annual, quarterly or monthly) which would cover all the legal support required within the agreed period; or


  • hourly fees for those that prefer them.


All are based on materially lower rates than the national and international firms that can provide a comparable level of expertise and experience.

... designed on feedback from the business community

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