If you would like to have an informal discussion in person, without any obligation or expectation, then we would be delighted to hear from you by telephone (033 0088 2070) or by email (enquiries@e3employmentlaw.co.uk).
We are passionate about what we do. We would love to hear about what you want from your employment law provider and to explain a little more about how and why e3 can make a real difference to you. We are based in the North West but work across the UK. We would be happy to meet at a time and place that is convenient to you.
If, at any point, you decide not to continue our discussions, we will simply thank you for your time and wish you well. We very much value our dialogue with the business community and any opportunity to obtain an informed opinion on legal service is welcomed.
If you would like to contact us with any questions or to arrange a meeting please do so at:
e3 employment law LLP
tel: 033 0088 2070
fax: 033 0088 2080
email: enquiries@e3employmentlaw.co.uk