Our ongoing dialogue with businesses provides a clear picture of what they do and do not like about legal service providers.
Businesses do like the specialist expertise from leading practitioners who have built up and honed substantial practical experience: expertise that can save tens of thousands of pounds in a single piece of advice; experience that can cut through a problem instantly.
However, there are many features of traditional law firms that businesses do not like: they do not like the cumbersome structures and opaque priorities; they dislike the excessive costs that too often seem to spiral out of control, out of proportion to the budget and, in some cases, even out of proportion to the value of the issue at stake; they dislike the lack of transparency on who is doing what and when within a law firm.
e3 is underpinned by the values of honesty, integrity, transparency and sustainability, and, with the core principle that it is effective, efficient and economic (the three 'e's) in everything it does.
The name e3 serves as a permanent reminder to every individual involved with e3 of what we stand for, and, as an ongoing promise to each of our clients of what we will deliver.
By being effective and efficient and economic we can provide more to our clients for less: 'more' in terms of technical expertise, practical experience, service quality and personalised dedication; 'less' in terms of costs compared to the large national and international law firms who can provide a comparable quality of legal expertise.